
New Year Resolutions

Uhhh I forgot to link up my menu....doesn't do me any good if I can't get to the recipes:)  So far they have been pretty if you are needing some dinner ideas you should check some of them out:)

On another anyone like me and seems to make the same resolutions year after year.  I always do OK in the beginning and then I just forget about my goals or I choose to just not follow through.  Well this year is my year....I am going to do it!!!! 

My big goal is to get all this weight off.  I want to have a healthier lifestyle...from what I eat to what I do and even how I think and feel.  With that being said I have a few reservations....and I am just wondering if others go through this when they set goals. 

#1. I can't help but have that little doubting voice in the back of my mind that says, "can you really do this, your not strong enough."  That doubt puts fear in my mind and limits me from being fully committed.  I need to learn to be confident in my self and believe in myself.:)

#2.  My next fear is what if I actually accomplish this goal...It would totally change my life and would I be ok with that?  I think I just get comfortable with being who I am and it is hard to change and get out of my comfort zone.  The unknown it always a little scary.

#3.  My last that it is hard.  I always tell me kids to not be afraid to do hard things....and I need to be a better example of that.  With that being said I know that I would appreciate the journey much more if I had to work hard to get there...then having it just come easy to me.  I know it will take effort and time and I have to be patient and just "keep on keeping on."

So excuse this post for getting personal but I thought if I wrote it down in public then I would feel more determined to follow through.  So good luck to all of you who are working this year to accomplish the goals you have set.!


Scott said...

I'm curious about your fear of obtaining your goal and how will totally change your life. This is honest to goodness curiosity, not meant to challenge your resolve. Is it the goal of eating healthy foods, and the fear of life without twinkies, or is it the fear of having the "perfect" bod, and dealing with people picking up on you all the time?

Personally, the quest I have for eating clean is daunting. If I really want to make it lifestyle change, then does that mean I never get to eat french fries with fry sauce again?!? I don't know the answer to this.

On the one hand, I think there should be some balance in things. I shouldn't go all crazy about it. On the other hand, I worry that like an alcoholic, I can't have just one fry/drink.

So, If I eat fries, does that make me a failure?

Wow, I just unloaded here, hope you don't mind. What are your thoughts?

Matt Berry said... I know my little fear sounds so silly and after reading your comment I tried to pin point what about accomplishing this goals scares me.

The first is that I will loose the weight and then put it all back on again...not being able to maintain.

Also it has been a goal of mine for as long as I can remember. When I reach this goal...what next? It has been a big part of me. My weight affects so much in my life...from what I how I what I having accomplished my goal I will need to change all these things...and basically change my whole way of thinking:)

Anyway..that is probably way to personal...but I thought I would should explain. Hopefully I can keep up these lifestyle changes and keep the good habits and get rid of the old unhealthy ones!

So I would be lying if loosing weight wasn't the big picture here...but I really want to just get healthy both physically and mentally and in the process learn to love the body I have been given. If that makes sense:)

Kalia said...

Ditto. Similar feelings here, I've never adjusted to being fat. In my mind I see myself like I was growing up...normal sized, then I see pictures and realize how fat I am. You'd think my pant size would give it away, but I just forget I'm fat. I have zero self control right now too, in most areas of my life, kind of an all time low, and now I've been fat for 10 years, so I feel like where do I start. Anyway, that's tmi for sure. Good luck, I know you've always been self motivated and have a great chance at succeeding in your goals. Love, Kalia

Amie said...

Kalia I know how you feel. It is crazy how being overweight effects everything in life. I noticed the other day that I am not in any pictures ...mostly because I hate seeing pictures of myself ....because it is a slap in the face to see how I really look.

I am also the same with my wardrobe. I am in my fat clothes and I only fit in half of them:) My wardrobe consists of three outfits!

I know you are probably like me and pretty hard on yourself. But it is just nice to know someone has been where I am and can relate to this. My husband doesn't really get it:)

But for what it is worth...I think you are beautiful, talented and such a joy to be around....and I would kill for your gorgeous! But I also know that hearing things like this can make one feel uncomfortable and they don't mean as much until we can start feeling it for ourselves:)(I need to work on this)

Thanks for understanding:)
Love ya girl!!