This month has been one of the craziest months we have experienced as a family so far. At the beginning of the month we were expecting a baby at any time, I was just finishing the basketball season, and Matt took on an extra position at work that increased his work load and made his life very busy, plus his church responsibilities, city council responsibilities etc. Needless to say our lives were crazy.
The only time Matt's phone was not ringing off the hook was when I was in labor. It has been a big adjustment for our family...and for our is hard to communicate with someone when he is on the phone or computer all hours of the day.
With that being said....he has still managed to find ways to help out and be there for his family. He helps out with my daily duties, getting groceries, cleaning, cooking, putting the girls to bed, picking Avery up and taking her to school, running errands, and watching the girls while I get a little more rest.
We celebrated our 7th anniversary on Saturday by house hunting (we are looking into moving to Idaho Falls) and then went out to dinner. It was nothing romantic....or chic flick was just nice to spend time with him....I forget how much fun it is...and how much I miss quality time.
So I guess what I am trying to say is....I have a great husband...who has helped me grow and has always been there for me. He is such a hard worker, he is a loyal friend, a great dad, and awesome husband. After seven years I can't imagine my life without him. So thanks Matt for all that you do....thanks for loving me even when i am acting like a crazy person...or look like I got hit by a truck....even when I haven't showered in days...and may or may not smell like a rose!
Posted by Matt Berry at Wednesday, February 22, 2012 4 comments
Snowman and breastfeeding
So some of you may be wondering what the connection is between snowmen and breastfeeding....well I will tell you. When my mom was up here she and Avery went out and made a snowman. When they were done my Mom came in and told me that Avery insisted that the snowman...or in this case snow woman...needed boobies, "just like my mommy."
I realized I have been pretty open about breastfeeding and my girls have probably witnessed me whipping out my ladies lumps ...probably one too many times. I guess I need to be a little more careful about what they see and try and cover up more. It is funny to hear Hailey explain how the baby eats. She will say, "Mommy the baby is sad, she needs to eat your body." Oh the joys of having children who are way to observant.
Posted by Matt Berry at Wednesday, February 22, 2012 0 comments
Trying to be tech savvy
Unfortunatley I did not schedule newborn pictures for Mattie....I totally spaced I thought i would try it myself. I am not tech savvy at all and I really don't know how to work my camera or edit....hopefully I can get it figured out and post some more pictures of my little cutie.
Posted by Matt Berry at Wednesday, February 22, 2012 3 comments
Being a Mom
Once a mom always a mom....and no matter how old you get you still need your mom....especially us daughters. After coming home from the hospital it is always a big adjustment for parents came up for the weekend but only stayed over night with our girls and had to go back. So when I came home it was just Matt and I and the was a little stressful and I was not getting much sleep. Luckily Michelle was able to pop in now and then to help out.
Needless to say I needed my Mom. I felt a little silly being as old as I am .....and really missing my mom. Luckily she was able to come later in the week and it was so great to have her with me. She played with my girls, made us meals, cleaned my house, and stayed up with the baby at nights so I could sleep. It was so comforting to be taken care of and I really can't thank her enough.So thanks Mom and Michelle for all that you are great examples!!!
Posted by Matt Berry at Monday, February 20, 2012 2 comments
Big Sisters
My girls love their new sister. Avery is obsessed with holding her and wants to do everything for her and if anyone else is holding her she gets a little jealous.
Hailey loves her sister as well and wants to help clean her and burp her...and whenever Mattie starts to cry she has two big sisters that in an instant are by her side ready to take care of her. Also the number of kisses that baby Mattie gets daily is outstanding....even when she is sleeping the girls will sneak in and plant a kiss on her little head.
Posted by Matt Berry at Monday, February 20, 2012 0 comments
What its like having all girls....
This is an everyday occurrence. Hailey loves to dress up in her princess dress...including a crown, a wand and high heels. I never thought my girls would be so....girly! We are a sporty family....we take the girls sports on TV.....we go to sporting events...and still my girls want to cheer lead, dance and dress up like a princess.
My girls are constantly pretending....and since Mattie was born they have both turned into little hypochondriacs. Avery is constantly complaining about injuries and last week she was insisting on going to the chiropractor....The above picture is her playing chiropractor...she is trying to give Hailey an adjustment.
The girls have noticed I have a few ouchies since having the baby so Hailey has adopted my ouchies. She will say her back and tummy hurts too...and I am constantly kissing her ouchies better. I think this is all stemming from lack of attention....and hopefully we can be better at finding time to giving them more attention.
Other things about having girls....
-I now know all the princesses names...
-They change clothes on an average of five times a day.
-They love to dance and when a song comes on TV that they like they usually have to get up and dance and most of the time they have to change into a dance outfit.
-They are sensitive
-They love to wrestle with dad...but usually end up crying...
-They have hormonal crying.....(I was tucking Avery in and she started crying....I asked her why and she said "I don't know...I just feel like crying...I think I an feeling a little sad.")
-They have to pick out their own clothes...and they have certain items of clothing they just will not wear.
-They care what other people think or say about them. (Avery refuses to wear a pair of pants she got for Christmas because she thinks they are not cool and people will laugh at her when she wears them.)
-They are little care givers and love to take care of those around them.
-They are both very stubborn
I love my girls and their bold personalities...but I am really hoping Mattie will be my mellow...easy going child....but I really doubt that.
Posted by Matt Berry at Monday, February 20, 2012 0 comments
Baby Mattie
Baby Mattie was born of February 4th. The delivery was easy going...especially with an epidural....I am all about the drugs!!! Mattie Faye was 6lbs 15 ounces and 19 inches long.
Fortunately basketball ended at the beginning of the week so I had a few days to get things ready for Mattie to come. She was 4 days early and to be honest....i thought she would never come. I was feeling really good most of that week...which was much different then my other pregnancies. I wont give you long labor details...but lets just say if Matt wasn't so persistent and bossy I would not have gone to the hospital when we did....which would have made for an interesting birth story.
Mattie is such a chill baby....she really doesn't cry...and I love this six pounds of joy so much. She loves to cuddle and she has the cutest little smile.
Just a few of my favorite things about Mattie...
She has long fingers and toes....great for swimming and basketball :)
I love her black hair and cute little nose
She has the cutest little pouty lips
She makes adorable sounds in her sleep
She grunts when she is getting hungry
she has been smiling since she was 3 days old
Posted by Matt Berry at Sunday, February 19, 2012 2 comments
Catch up on postings
Christmas morning....the girls were pretty spoiled. Each year I try and budget for Christmas but some how I always go over. Between us and Santa...and all the grandparents...great grandparents...cousins and auntie girls get way to much. Next year it is my goal to keep things simplified.
Avery's nightlight! I wanted to make a cool nightlight for Avery's room...since she has to have a light. So over Thanksgiving my dad helped me make this light.....he did most of the construction work on it.....thats why it came out as cool as it did....he is pretty talented!
Another year with Mr. Barney. Our neighbor Mr. Barney has been having a lot more health problems but fortunately he was able to spend another Christmas with us. it wouldn't be the same without him.
Posted by Matt Berry at Sunday, February 19, 2012 0 comments