Trick or Treat
My gang all dressed up! Matt even dressed up...bet you can't guess what he dressed up as. Just in case you are wondering...that is not his real hair...just a wig....Avery thought it was pretty cool to have her dad dressed up too. He drove her around town and took her door to door and it was pretty cute to watch.
My little lady bug....I made this costume for Avery when she was a baby and it was fun to be able to pull it out and use it again.
Posted by Matt Berry at Sunday, November 01, 2009 0 comments
Halloween Accessories
No Tinker Bell costume is complete without a little lady bug......
Avery showing off her wand and her "gorgeous flower " as she calls it.....she has been using the word gorgeous a lot lately. I decided to make these little accessories last minute to add to her costume....she loved playing with the wand.
Posted by Matt Berry at Sunday, November 01, 2009 2 comments
Tinker Bell
This year Avery wanted to be Tinker Bell for Halloween. We found these cute wings and slippers at the dollar store (our favorite store) she felt pretty special wearing them.
Unfortunately it is freezing cold up here during Halloween time and most years we have snow so I had to come up with a way to winterize Avery's costume. Originally I wanted her to wear a leotard with her tutu and just plain tights but that would have been freezing so I found an old shirt of mine...the one pictured below and we dissected it into leggings, a skirt and a shirt for Avery's costume.
Posted by Matt Berry at Sunday, November 01, 2009 1 comments
My New Addiction
Yes my new addiction just happens to be my new addition. This is little Hailey Rae and I am completely obsessed. She is such a sweet little baby and I spend most of my day just holding her and cuddling her. Before she was born I wondered if I could love another child just as much as I love Avery.....when the Doctor placed her in my arms it was instant love at first sight....I couldn't be a prouder mama.
I love her little nose!
The girls sunbathing.....Avery loves being a big sister. She is very protective of Hailey whenever we change her diaper and Hailey starts crying Avery tells us to stop making the baby cry it's not nice. Whenever Hailey cries...Avery runs over to sooth her......she will say "It's ok baby Avery is her....just breath and be happy."
One of these days we will get a picture of her with her eyes open:) That's if we can get her to wake up........she is a good little sleeper....we have had a hard time trying to get her to wake up to feed. We have had to strip her down to her diaper and use a wet wash cloth to try and wake her....after a few times of doing that it didn't phase her anymore.....
My mom came up and helped us out she was so wonderful and I miss having her here....it was so great to have her....my dad also came up and helped work on our nursery he was such great help.....also Hailey makes that same face when she sleeps....I love it!
Posted by Matt Berry at Wednesday, October 28, 2009 8 comments
Our New Addition
Avery has been so much help that she has even offered to help Amie lift her shirt and feed the baby. We have loved having here home and Avery is so freakin' cute with Hailey..... she wants to feed her, change her clothes/diapers and has probably kissed her 500 times since 3:00 today.
Posted by Matt Berry at Friday, October 23, 2009 5 comments
Matt's New Obsession
This is a picture of the bear that Matt has been hunting for weeks. He not only is huge but we are finding out that he is pretty clever. He comes in and eats during the early morning and late hours....when all the little hunters are asleep in their beds. As much as they have fed him over the last few weeks I am surprised he is not obese. :) The total amount of food could probably be estimated to 6500 pounds that they have supplied for these bears.....talk about storing your food for winter. If they don't get this bear they can be credited for helping the bear population survive the harsh Teton winters.
Posted by Matt Berry at Friday, October 16, 2009 1 comments
Craft Time...A,K.A......"Craps Time"
So I have a long list of projects I want to get done and so each day I try and work on them...Avery calls it my "craps time" where I work in my craps room with my craps stuff. So here are a few more of the little projects I have finished...... I found a little brown shirt for Avery for just a few dollars and decided I wanted to make it a little more interesting. So I made this little cupcake and frosting applique. It took a little bit more time then i would have liked but at least I finished it.
My friend Carrie came over for some craft time and I made these blocks. She was so nice to supply the wood and cut the blocks herself. She is very good at this kind of stuff so it was nice to have her there to help me. So now I can say that I decorated a little for Halloween.
This is the countdown calender that I made for Avery. It counts down the days till Halloween. I made each day have two pockets one for the little ghost that she moves to each day and a pocket for a little surprise she gets to pull out each day. It is something fun for her to look forward too. For me it is more of a countdown for the baby....she is due on the 28th so I glance at that calender everyday seeing just how many more days I have to endure:)
Posted by Matt Berry at Friday, October 16, 2009 2 comments
While Matt Hunts....Amie Crafts....
Matt has been pretty busy hunting lately so I have tried to find things to keep me busy. I have found some really neat blogs that have great ideas for things you can make yourself. So I have tried a few projects and created a long list of more projects I would like to try. My only problem is I am not the best sewer and when my machine goes on the fritz I don't have a clue how to fix it and I am not the most patient sewer.......my goal is to get better. So here are a few pictures of things I have worked on.
This is a changing mat I made that folds up and goes into your diaper bag. It has a handy little pocket that you can store your diapers and wipes in...so you can just grab it and go.So I bought a package of onesies and have had some fun trying to glam them up a bit. For young women we tie dyed shirts...so I dyed a shirt for me, Avery and the baby. Avery loved hers so much she had to have it washed and ready for preschool the next day. The other onesie I tried my hand at appliqueing....it was pretty fun...next time I think I will try a cuter applique.
Posted by Matt Berry at Friday, October 16, 2009 0 comments
The After Pictures
So we had this little table before that usually holds Matt's computer...but since his little brother fried his work computer.....he has taken his old computer to work...thus leaving me without my connection to the outside world:) The black frame above it was an old calender frame I found at D.I. so I spray painted it and added the white board paper. I also glued on a metal piece and then glued cute scrapbook paper over it to make a magnent board. So for a few bucks I know have a nice message board. I also bought the little metal mail holder at a fun little store in Rexburg.
So the paint is new and the table and chairs were painted also....thanks to my sisters.
So with a gallon of paint and some paint for my chairs and tables I feel like I have a whole new kitchen. It is so nice not to have that ugly flower wall paper showing anymore! My mom and sister in-law came up and helped me paint Avery's room and the baby/craft room so once I get those rooms all organized and decorated I will post pictures.
Posted by Matt Berry at Friday, October 16, 2009 2 comments
The Kitchen Update
Well I posted awhile ago that my wonderful sisters came and helped me with my house and did some painting and refinishing furniture. I don't think I ever posted pictures so here are the before pictures.....if I did already do this post...I am sorry my mind is so forgetful lately....I am blaming it on being pregnant:)I only took a few pictures because well my kitchen was pretty scary:)
Posted by Matt Berry at Friday, October 16, 2009 0 comments