I was in Califronia this past week for my sister's wedding. It was awesome the weather was beautiful....the only thing missing was my family. Mattie and I went solo on this trip. Before I left I joked with Matt that this was his lucky year because I would be gone over Valentines day and he wouldn't have to do anything. Well the day of the 14th I was at my sisters helping set up and prep for the wedding. The UPS guy rolled up carrying moutnians of packages that had been sent for my sisters wedding. No joke, the guy was trying to carry 5 huge boxes at once. It looked like Macy's was sponsering her wedding! Then my sister put a box on my lap and I noticed it had my name on it. I figured it was some relative that was sending her a wedding gift but got our names mixed up. (that will happen occasionsly...but mostly with my sister Lara and Jenni, people will mix them up and think Lara is Jenni....that happened a few times at the reception, some people thought Lara was the bride) When I opened it I saw these beautiful flowers with a little note from Matt. I could not believe that he had sent me flowers...it was so sweet! I got to watch these beauties bloom during the rest of the week...and I was so sad to leave them behind at my sisters.