
School Time

It is official I now have a kindergartner. It was so much fun going school shopping with her and getting everything ready for the big day....and when that day arrived I am not sure who was more excited or her.

So we got her all ready...she had picked out her outfit the night before...and we took some quick pictures before we walked over to the school. But before we could leave her grandma Berry came over to get some pictures. Avery started to get a little impatient and with hands on her hips she says "Mom we really need to get going, I really don't want to be late."

I was amazed how ready she was for all of this. She went up and introduced herself to her teacher....I saw other kids in her class hanging on their mothers legs with tears in their eyes and I wondered if she should be a little more nervous.

The next day I dropped her off a little earlier so she could eat breakfast at the school. I asked her if she needed my help getting her situated and she instantly said "No mom, you can just stay in the car I know how to do it." I love her independent spirit. But most of all I love having her gone most of the day....I don't mean that to sound bad...but she is so much happier and I am more productive. So all in all ........we are loving school.