
My first cake

This was a cake that I made for a friend. It was her daughters 12th birthday and she asked me to make a cake for it. The only thing her daughter really requested was the lime green color. So I went for a lime green zebra print made out of homemade fondant. The top layer was supposed to kind of look like a cheetah print. I did it out of buttercream frosting because I was worried not everyone would love fondant. The little cheetah spots I made out of chocolate as well as the number 12 on top of the cake. The stars were made out of fondant as well. I also made the cake stand.
I didn't realize how heavy this sucker was until we went to drop it off. My arms were burning from holding it for the 15 minute drive. But it was a fun experience and I think the birthday girl liked that made all the hard work worth it. I see people do this stuff on TV or online all the time and you don't realize that it is time consuming.


Anonymous said...

awesome cake. kudos on homemade fondant--i made it once and vowed never again--now i just use store-bought. i just made 100 cupcakes for a ward party and yeah...def time consuming...took the whole day.

Matt Berry said...

Oh I saw them they were so pretty. Before i did this I thought it would be a fun little side business...but after doing it I am not sure. It is hard, time consuming, and I am such a perfectionist when I am doing projects for other just stresses me out. It never seems to turn out like I had imagined it in my head. said...

pretty fancy!! you are way talented!

Kalia said...

ditto on the time and stress. I've been told to go there with cakes too, and I just don't think it would be good for my sanity.