Oldies but Goodies
I was looking at these older photos of Avery and they were just so cute I had to post them. Where have the days gone? My child is definitely growing up way to fast.
Posted by Matt Berry at Monday, April 13, 2009 2 comments
Well I was going through my pictures and found these from last spring. These last couple of years Matt and I play Coed softball together and it is so much fun. Unfortunately I will have to sit out a season.....due to our family addition. I am kind of bummed out about it. Softball is a blast...although I am not very good and so far every season I get pretty torn up. I have never played a sport that has given so many injuries.......but they are worth it.....I have a great time.
This made shaving my legs a little tricky:)
Posted by Matt Berry at Monday, April 13, 2009 0 comments
Happy Easter!
New Easter dress her Grandma Butler gave her and the sweater was from her Nana Nelson. Thanks mom and grandma.....she looked so cute.
We went to Gooding this weekend for Easter. We had a great time with my family and as usual they food was amazing. Avery got to go to an Easter Egg hunt they had in town. My Dad was so cute he was helping with the set up and when we got there he gave us our plan of attack.....he had a strategy of course......and it paid off. Avery ended up finding both the golden eggs that had the cash prizes. We felt bad that we had found both the big prizes so we gave one of the eggs to another family. The prize eggs were rolled in tin foil and Avery kept trying to throw them out of her basket because they were not as pretty as the other eggs. In the end she went home with some chocolate and was 50 dollars richer.
I was just happy to see some green grass and be in warmer weather. Last year at Easter we spent it at home in Tetonia where there was still 2 feet of snow. Ya it is not as much fun trying to find eggs in the freezing cold.
Posted by Matt Berry at Monday, April 13, 2009 2 comments
Yep it is official
So Matt and I are expecting our 2nd child. The due date is October 28th. We are pretty excited...especially Avery. She was the one that told most people. I found out I was pregnant when I was at state basketball. The day I found out we had a game and I felt pretty sick and had to keep running to the bathroom during the game. Ya I am sure people thought I was pretty weird. So I had to tell my fellow coaches to explain why I was acting so weird....anyway after that the word got out and my team were really the first people to know.
I am finally coming out of the sickness stage....and feeling a little better. We had our first doctor appointment last week and we got to have our first ultrasound. Avery saw the baby and called it a SeaMonkey. Usually when we ask her if she thinks the baby will be a girl or a boy she usually says "uhmmm I think it will be a puppy."
Posted by Matt Berry at Monday, April 13, 2009 6 comments
Well things have been pretty busy around our house. I am still missing basketball but have decided to start some that I feel somewhat busy. Matt has been very busy with work....and is gearing up for the upcoming softball season. Going to his games will be our new entertainment for the next couple months. We got him all set up with new gear this year, mostly because he lost half of it last year. He got a nice new glove he got himself for his birthday and I surprised him with a new bat bag. So it should be a fun season:)
Avery has been keeping me pretty busy. For those of you who know her.....she is a handful. She really has a mind of her own and sometimes I feel like I am already dealing with a teenager.
Avery does not let me dress her anymore and when I try to pick her out an outfit it is way to much drama....which she is full of.....Sundays are the worst. I want her to wear a normal dress and she wants to wear some dress up costume, pants or her sneakers with her dress. The other day we went shopping and she wore striped tights a skirt, a striped shirt, a striped jacket and striped shoes. It did not match at all. Oh well.
Avery has been saying a lot of funny things lately and some not so funny....
Avery: Mom chill, its no big deal
Avery: Mom relax
Avery: Mom can I please watch Joe Dirt (for the record I do not let her watch this movie)
Avery: Mom this food is really did a great job!
Avery: Mom Jake and I are getting married (Jake is her come and go make believe friend)
Avery: Wow I tell you! (this is form the movie Anastasia, she always quotes the silly little bat character)
Avery: Mom you can not play with me anymore! (this is what she says when she gets mad at me, then she does this fake dramatic whimper and runs out of the room....I think she has watched too many movies.)
Avery: Oh mom that shirts looks way cute on you! Oh mom your ponytail looks pretty! (she is the only one to notice when I get new clothes or I actually put on real clothes.
All in all she is a funny girl and even though she never stops running around she has been such a joy in my life. I look at her now and I don't see my baby anymore. Especially today....she has been invited to a friends house for the first time. She is so excited and I am so nervous. I really hope she behaves and all goes well....mostly so they will invite her back....because I have never seen her so excited about something.Her pouting face.......
Her mean can't really see it but she rolls her eyes....and it is a little creepy.
She loves to dress up. She changes her clothes like 5 times a day.
My goofy girl. She loves to play with her cousin Morgan mostly because Morgan is the only one that Avery can boss around. She is like Avery's big dolly....although Morgan hates Avery touching her and being in her space and screams to the top of her lungs. So needless to say my house is full of screaming girls most of the day.
Posted by Matt Berry at Tuesday, April 07, 2009 2 comments