
The Danger of Naps

So a few weeks ago I was feeling pretty sick. But since Mom's don't get sick days I just had to get through it. I also happened to be watching Matt's cousin Morgan, who loves to follow Avery around and is the object of her torment. Anway...this particular morning they seemed to be getting along great and since they had been playing in Avery's room I thought it would be safe enough to lay down for a few minutes. Well fifteen minutes later these two girls come running into my room giggling and soaked from the waist down.

My first thought was that they had been playing with the sink....but as I walked into the bathroom I didn't hear any water running....but as I stepped in my socks became completely soaked. I looked at the toilet which was overflowing. Apparently the girls had unrolled a whole role of toilet paper and tried to flush it down the toilet. The whole floor was soaked....including floor mats and clothes that were on the floor along with chunks of wet toilet paper that had escaped the toilet. Now toilet water I can handle....but wet toilet paper I cannot. I have this strange phobia of wet toilet paper....it grosses me out.....so with my flooded bathroom, my toilet water soaked girls, and my phobia of wet toilet paper.....I decided that a 15 minute nap was not worth this.