
The Reality of Reality TV

So usually I never write on our blog unless I am writing about a picture but this story was just too funny not to write it down. The other day I went to my brother in-law's baseball game. As I walked by the dugout I noticed a group of older men standing around together having a very serious conversation. I assumed that they were talking about the game and the outcome and game strategies, but as I stood there longer I heard one of them say "so the kid with the dreads should have been kicked off long ago, and is it true that the Archuleta kids dad got banned from the set." I realized that this intense discussion was not over baseball but over American Idol. I laughed to myself as the conversation kept going and got more involved. One man said he only watched the show on occasions but seemed to know a lot about it and the contestants involved.

Now this story might not be funny to some people but I just thought it was so humorous. It seems that reality TV has really taken over. There is a reality TV show for just about anything now a days. I guess if I ever wanted to be famous the easiest way to do it is Reality TV. Maybe I will make a show about my life...or eat bug and rodent shake, or loose a lot of weight....or maybe get a total body makeover. Just a few ways to get my 15 seconds of fame.:) Now I am not trying to bash all reality TV because I do like some shows....but after watching some of these shows
I realized that there are a lot of weird people out there.


They're Finally OFF The Endangered Species List

These suckers are in for a rude awakening......and I am not talking about the men holding these poachers!!