
Just a little fathers day treat

So I saw these adorable cupcakes online and I knew I had to try them out. They are supposed to look like hamburgers with a side of fries. So I made a big batch to give to the Matt and Ron as well as the the fathers of the young women that I teach for fathers day.
I gave all my girls these little containers with a side of fries and put it in a lunch bag that said happy fathers day. I think they enjoyed it.
Not to worry there is no meat in these babies...just a yummy brownie and frosting....and the fries are just sugar cookies. They did not turn out as beautiful as the originals I saw on line but they were still pretty fun to make and yummy to eat.


Kalia said...

Coolest thing in the world! I love the things you do!

Kalia said...

I'm so doing this for my husband's birthday this month, so what is the sugar cookie recipe, it's different from the frostable kind isn't it? I think I can figure the rest out, I was just wondering how you did the fries. email me or something please at thebowman2@yahoo.com