
Avery.....and the "Tales of the Silliest Girl I Know"

So this is just a documentation of how long Avery's hair is getting. I am planning on setting up a day where both she and I will go to get our hair cut. I don't want to cut too much off hers.....because I love her long hair...I just want us to have a fun girls day...and I think she would have a blast getting pretty at the "Sun Shack".....that's where I get my hair cut:)
So I thought I would write down this little story about Avery. For those of you who know her, she is a pretty silly girl. She is always doing things and saying things...that crack me up. Well Avery is being potty trained and she is pretty good and rarely has accidents. She loves being a big girl and wearing her panties. Matt and I have tried really hard at giving her positive reinforcement when she goes potty. Well yesterday I was getting ready to go to a meeting and I had to run to the bathroom. Of course Avery followed me in. She heard me going "potty" and got a big smile on her face and said, "Mommy you did it! I am so proud of you! High Five!" Then she proceeded to give me a high five. Then she asked me, "Mommy you need me to wipe you?" I told her thanks but I could do it on my own. She then said, "alright but if you need my help let me know." Then she gave me a big hug and asked if I needed help pulling up my panties.

It is funny how your kids tend to emulate the things you say and do. At age two she understands giving compliments and how to make her mommy smile. We were eating dinner the other day and she takes a bite of her taco and says "yummy food mama....high five!" Then she gave me a high five and a headbutt....because that is what Matt has taught her. You give a high five, rocks, and then a headbutt. It is kind of silly and probably something she should not do around smaller children...for their safety.....but it's Matt's and her I just let it go.......and hope that some parent doesn't call me saying she gave their kid a concussion in nursery because she headbutted them.


Jess said...

LOL!!! I can totally hear her saying that!! Her hair is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

BWWAAAHH!!! I had to read this outloud to Tatton so he could hear what I was laughing at! SO flippin funny! Love her!
Anyway, how are you? We're in Rexburg now...CUH-RAZY!!! We should get together soon...hopefully...<3 said...


Kalia said...

What a cutie!! Reminds me of all the funny things Atley does! He always asks me if I'm pooping for a car, because that is how we originally got him to poop on the potty, matchbox cars. Loved the dresser! You are such a good homemaker! Love, Kalia

Spencer & Nikki said...

That is such a funny potty story... Kids do say the funniest things.