

Avery has not had a lot of opportunities to go swimming so we thought we would take a Saturday and invite out friends Adam and Gennifer and their adorable little boy Cole to come swimming with us. I was a little worried Avery would be afraid of the water but she was loving it. She had no fear and wanted to swim on her own and jump off the side of the pool. When she takes a bath she doesn't like the water on her face but for some reason in the pool it doesn't bother her. She would put her face in the water and when she would jump in she would go all the way under. I was so proud of her. I love to swim and now I have a swim partner.


Scott said...

All of these pictures are so cute! You have been busy doing all kinds of fun stuff. I love the easter egg hunt in three feet of snow. :)

Nicole Stucki said...

It looks like you had a good time swimming. I am bummed we couldn't make it. We will have to get together sometime.

Olinselot said...

WOO WOO for easter egg hunts in the snow...oh my! We didn't even try it, I know I'm a bad mommy, but ya know, there are just somethings that should never have to be done in the snow...and easter is one of them...come on I'm sure you would agree. The pictures are completely priceless, and it's fun to see what you're up to. I can't wait to get that little fish of yours out to the sandbar this year, it will be fun without any babies...only big kids for us. See you Wednesday I hope.

Jake and Megan said...

Avery is so cute in her swimming suit. She is getting so big. I can't believe how much snow you have in Tetonia, we don't have any snow. I am so ready for Spring! Hope to see you guys soon!

Jake and Megan said...

Avery is so cute in her swimming suit. She is getting so big. I can't believe how much snow you have in Tetonia, we don't have any snow. I am so ready for Spring! Hope to see you guys soon!

The Goldthorpe Family said...

Sorry we got that message late. We would have loved to have come. I'm would have had to bring sun glasses for all of you, but it would have been fun.